A major trick the corrupt secret agencies militias play on special victims called “Targeted Individuals” is the group stalking scheme:
They make the targeted individuals think that the people harassing and torturing them are the people in their immediate surrounding instead of the real perps who are operating remotely.
This way, they keep those victims isolated and in a state of constant panic, looking over their shoulder 24/7 for possible attacks “like an artificial ptsd/shell shock”.
It is also a major trick they play to keep the victims attention focused on the communication, so they can train those victims.
This is the 1st thing any dog behaviorist learn, you need to have the dog attention “in a distraction free room” in order to start training it.
There is few items the victims should keep in mind in order to overcome this trick:
The main tool used in this trick is the microwave or ultrasonic sound weapons.
Just like the doctor reflex hammer is used on a patient knee to test the natural reflex, those weapons can be used on those tendons in any human body to make it contract and relax the muscles whenever needed, it can also be used on the muscles itself, or on the skin to make a person scratch it.
This means that they can make any person do any body gesture, or can give them any facial expression.
Again, i can't stress enough how this is only a basic explanation of the mechanism of the trick, the perps doing this are experienced professionals.
They can give the victims forced thoughts, and physical sensation that would match the body movement or the facial expression required so the “victim/normal civilians being controlled in the street to harass the victim” doesn't notice their control.
Once a victim is selected, the perpetrators can play this trick by harassing the victim using the weapons to make the victims feel pain for example, accompanied by strange sounds for few days, so now the victim is irritated and starting to be weary of their surroundings.
Then they would start making the victim notice people in the street by tasing the victim while making those people in the street give frowning faces.
Or by keeping the victim alert and in pain while one of the neighbors pass by the victim window, using a recorded voice of the neighbor to shout something in the victim ears.
Or even controlling the neighbor to say something that would be in synchronicity with the victim thoughts but completely out of context for the unaware neighbor.
A simple laugh from an unaware person in the street while the victim is being harassed and tortured would be enough to make the victim think that the person who laughed is one of the perps.
The most important thing to remember is that those perps doesn't need to show themselves in person and risk being caught or getting in fights with the people they torture and harass, because they can do all that using the devices and other victims that they control like robots.
They make the targeted individuals think that the people harassing and torturing them are the people in their immediate surrounding instead of the real perps who are operating remotely.
This way, they keep those victims isolated and in a state of constant panic, looking over their shoulder 24/7 for possible attacks “like an artificial ptsd/shell shock”.
It is also a major trick they play to keep the victims attention focused on the communication, so they can train those victims.
This is the 1st thing any dog behaviorist learn, you need to have the dog attention “in a distraction free room” in order to start training it.
There is few items the victims should keep in mind in order to overcome this trick:
The main tool used in this trick is the microwave or ultrasonic sound weapons.
Just like the doctor reflex hammer is used on a patient knee to test the natural reflex, those weapons can be used on those tendons in any human body to make it contract and relax the muscles whenever needed, it can also be used on the muscles itself, or on the skin to make a person scratch it.
This means that they can make any person do any body gesture, or can give them any facial expression.
Again, i can't stress enough how this is only a basic explanation of the mechanism of the trick, the perps doing this are experienced professionals.
They can give the victims forced thoughts, and physical sensation that would match the body movement or the facial expression required so the “victim/normal civilians being controlled in the street to harass the victim” doesn't notice their control.
Once a victim is selected, the perpetrators can play this trick by harassing the victim using the weapons to make the victims feel pain for example, accompanied by strange sounds for few days, so now the victim is irritated and starting to be weary of their surroundings.
Then they would start making the victim notice people in the street by tasing the victim while making those people in the street give frowning faces.
Or by keeping the victim alert and in pain while one of the neighbors pass by the victim window, using a recorded voice of the neighbor to shout something in the victim ears.
Or even controlling the neighbor to say something that would be in synchronicity with the victim thoughts but completely out of context for the unaware neighbor.
A simple laugh from an unaware person in the street while the victim is being harassed and tortured would be enough to make the victim think that the person who laughed is one of the perps.
The most important thing to remember is that those perps doesn't need to show themselves in person and risk being caught or getting in fights with the people they torture and harass, because they can do all that using the devices and other victims that they control like robots.